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Why does all the mayan and ascetic symbols appear during the DMT trip

Many ancient cultures had regular access to DMT. think of all the mimosa that grows in the Maya native area.

Even the egyptian's "tree of life" was an acacia... think on that! Many ancient cultures found inspiration for art, architecture, music, etc from psychedelics. Their prohibition is a recent atrocity.

The Mayans probably saw that kind of symbolism and patterns and shapes on entheogens, and we are seeing the same because we are using similar substances.

Acacia Nilotica DMT - Ancient Kemet

Uncovered in the forgotten Mdw Ntr (Metu Neter) language are references to the Tree of Life: the plant Acacia Nilotica which contains Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT (the Spirit Molecule).

Acacia Nilotica is portrayed hugely in Kemetic neteru/theosophy. It is referred to as the tree of life, and from under this tree the first gods of Egypt were born. Osiris, god of the underworld, rebirth and the spirit was also born from an Acacia Nilotica tree.

Osiris is also believed to live inside the spirit of all Acacia Nilotica trees. This is a very similar belief as held by the Amazonian Shamans and the people who have experienced Ayahuasca.

A huge majority of DMT users talk about the “mother spirit” who guides the individual on the trip and teaches them what they need to learn on that specific trip. I believe that the Egyptians partook in the Acacia trip, and this was seen in the same light as the way Native Amazonians see Ayahuasca.

DMT would have only been used for spiritual purposes, in order to gain enlightenment and talk to the “gods.” In their case the guiding spirit that they found in their trips was Osiris. It is interesting to note that on the outer-body experience that is associated with DMT many people have found themselves seeing deceased friends and family, therefore Acacia Nilotica is a fitting symbol of the underworld and the spirit.

The majority of DMT users also find a sense of rebirth after their trips, also being a fitting characteristic of the Acacia Nilotica. In modern archaeology of Egypt, Acacia Nilotica has been found in a huge percentage of the tombs unearthed.

I find it highly unlikely the Kemetians did not recognize the uses of this plant and I believe the evidence speaks for itself. DMT, a hallucinogen associated with spiritual experiences, may be present in acacia nilotica in low doses. It is, however, present in other species of acacia in higher doses. This has, of course, led some to speculate that the Egyptians may have used the drug as a way to contact the Otherworld.

And that thought is the perfect crossover to look into acacia’s magical potencies.he acacia could represent both life and death for it was thought to encompass both. As the antelopes learned, the tree can be deadly, though it is more often connected with life and healing. The tree is evergreen, making it an apt tree of life. Its yellow flowers look like small suns, making it a solar and renewing, tree. Among the virtues of acacia recorded by Pliny, is a quality that would seem to associate it with resurrection and renewal:

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