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The Origin of Caucasian-Aryans & Aliens

Studies carried out by scientists from the Institute of Forensic Genetics at the University of Copenhagen have concluded that all blue-eyed people share a common ancestor, and that this blue-eyed family spread out from an area north of the Black Sea following the last ice age.

Ancient Origins of the Aryan Race

The never-ending saga of human evolution is both provocative and profound, and nothing is more mysterious than the origin of the white European population of the world. Contrary to popular belief, its history and legacy date back to a remote and forgotten antiquity. We are a species with amnesia, not knowing where we came from, without the memory of past and glorious epoch of mankind which we are only know rediscovering.

We know from today’s statistics, those of white European descent comprise only 8% of the world’s population. We are one of the world’s tiniest minorities next only to the Jews, small primitive tribesmen and Australian aboriginies. Historically, however, this small percentage of the world’s population has been the main force of civilization, technology and advancement in both the ancient and modern world. We also have generally exerted the most power and influence than any other race or group of nations. Out of all the races of mankind none has been more problematic, more controversial, and more indebted to by the world for its gift of Western Civilization.

Ancient Caucasians gave birth to a lost global civilization to which we owe our culture and civilization of today. We can still see the monuments this lost civilization has left behind to us, and hear the stories of the great white gods who built them and the great Atlantean heroes who came to the world in its greatest hour of need. There is tremendous evidence that in incredibly distant times, in regions now known to be non-Caucasian, fair-skinned, blond or red-haired people were both the founders and champions of civilization. For centuries, there have been reports of ancient Caucasoid peoples thriving in remote corners of the world who later vanished mysteriously from history. These accounts speak of white, red-haired giants and yellow-haired barbarians in countries now almost exclusively populated by non-Caucasian peoples. In time, modern archaeologists found traces of their millennia-old corpses preserved in desert sands or frigid glaciers, even viable samples of their DNA would eventually be discovered.

In addition to such physical remains, a wealth of historical and mythological evidence, both in written form and oral tradition, spoke of lost civilizations consisting of fair-skinned gods and light-eyed benefactors who helped establish new cultures. According to numerous North American Indian accounts, at the dawn of their society, they were visited by a great White god arriving from a far-away land located across the sea, established their new mode of life, then departed, promising to some day return. Indeed to our ancestors, those who inhabited the western part of Eurasia, we were not made in the image of the god’s likeness but rather the gods were a mirror reflection of ours. In Aryan culture, these gods are exemplified by the Greek Olympians and the Teutonic Aesir, among others. The ancient Greek world was referred to by the Hellenes as “A Land of Gods and Monsters.” The Egyptians too believed in a time called Zep Tepi: “The First Time.” This was a distant, nearly forgotten time when the gods themselves—Osiris, Isis, Seth, Horus, Thoth, and others—are believed to have walked along side men. Also at this distant, Egypt and its civilization were created by our distant ancestors, a forgotten tribe of Ancient Caucasians finally revealed to us through King Tut’s very DNA and eventually many other discoveries both genetic and archaeological.

Archaeologists claim the first waves of modern humans into Europe came way of the Pakistani Gulf, therefore our ancestors, the white proto-Europeans originated in India, in the northern areas bordering the Kush and Himalayan mountains and the highlands of Afrghanistan. We still see remarkably European-like faces in those areas to this day. One of the most notable was featured on a famous cover of National Geographic, a young woman who years later was tracked down to her home with her husband a children, a face the photographer never forgot. Among the Afghans, Northern Indians, Iranians and Kurds there are many peoples who strike out from the crowd as being quite out of place among the other swarthy inhabitants. The peoples of the regions are much lighter-skinned than those of the south, but many defy separation from our European populations. This is a physical reality of the Aryan migration that one can’t easily dismiss as just random genetic variation.

In his book, Gobekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods, Andrew Collins made a reasonable effort to theorize and explain the ancient legend of the Watchers as described in the Book of Enoch and the Nephilim from the Book of Genesis. Collins goes on to explain the Book of Enoch which, of course, is a non-canonical text not included in the Bible:

. . .it recounts how Enoch, while resting in his bed one night, is approached by two strange beings of angelic appearance. Named Watchers, they ask him to accompany them on a tour of the Seven Heavens, one which includes the Garden of Righteousness, where the four rivers of Paradise take their rise, while another leads to the abode of the angels. When in the Watchers’ heavenly settlement, Enoch is shown a prison in which a whole group of these angelic beings are incarcerated. On asking what crime they have committed, the patriarch is informed that two hundred of their number disobeyed the laws of heaven by descending among mortal kind and taking wives for themselves.”

Collins states:

After reading the book of Enoch, I became convinced that these Watchers, or “fallen ones,” like the Anunnaki of Sumero-Akkadian tradition, were very powerful human individuals who lived during some distant age of humankind. They were advanced enough to give us the rudiments of civilization, recalled in the manner in which the fallen angels revealed to mortal kind the forbidden arts and sciences of heaven. What is more, their sexual liaisons with the “daughters of men” expressed their quite obvious human nature, as well as their abilitiy to cocreate in order to produce flesh and blood offspring that resembled both themselves and their mortal wives.” In the Book of Enoch, they are described as tall, with flowing white or blonde hair, ruddy complexions, and mesmerizing eyes which shone as brightly as the sun. One might compare this description with my later depiction of the Chinese Sun Gods that supposedly built the Great White Pyramids of ancient China, the very structures that are in plain site but that the Chinese government refuses exists.

When in the Bible it stated the Sons of God came unto the Daughters of men, the correct translation for men is the enoesh, not Adam. So these women, those who gave birth to the mortal women were not of the pure Caucasian race. In Enochian literature, as part of their punishment, the Watchers were to slaughter the newly born infants as they were an abomination to God. The Watchers might also be connected to the Near Eastern concept of the djinn, who were giants that failed to bow down before the Adamu so were exterminated by the gods, perhaps another example of the fallen angels.

The discovery of light-skinned mummies in New Guinea and New Zealand, and the persistent references to god-like, light-skinned peoples inhabiting a now-sunken landmass in the Pacific Ocean, raises some interesting possibilities of a primordial race. But, the presence of lost Caucasian peoples in the Americas is only the capstone to a much broader reality.

Today, there exists an overwhelming body of evidence suggesting a now-lost population of Caucasians. The last decades of the 20th Century saw a revolution in our understanding of the depth and magnitude of prehistoric Caucasian migration and influence. In 1959 for example, hard physical evidence of primitive, proto-Caucasoid peoples inhabiting the Americas during prehistory began to surface.

Archaeologists digging at Santa Rosa Island off the California coast, unearthed a number of skeletal remains dating back to 10,000 B.C. with apparent Caucasian features. During the 16th Century, as the Spanish explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo skimmed the same coastline, he found that native Chumash Indians possessed physical attributes that set them apart from the rest of the Channel Island Indians. He reported that the women had “fine forms, beautiful eyes, and a modest demeanor. Their children were “white, with light hair and ruddy cheeks.” These remains are ancient, and have implications far beyond their apparent novelty and uniqueness. They are the physical remnants of a forgotten race. They are a lost series of human tribes whose descendants now only make up 8% of the world population, but continue to influence culture, technology, scientific and educational achievement.

This race has far surpassed any other group of people in terms of the arts and in communication. But these ancient peoples are far different than anything present today. Their lineage goes back to a distant, forgotten epoch of humankind. Far back into antiquity, a lost race of men produced an advanced culture at a time conventional scientists say no humans could have done so. They are a testament to their gods and way of life that is not, nor can be, equaled in the past or the present. This is a lost race of cultural and technological giants whose previous civilization has been lost forever. Their influence, however, has brought about the inception of human intelligence as we know it, and given birth to the very first ancient civilization – indeed all of human culture.

The 1990s saw the discovery of the most controversial archaeological find in North American history, Kennewick Man, a 9,000-year-old skeleton with clearly Caucasoid – not Mongoloid – physical traits. Forensic reconstructions of the recovered skull show a face akin to Patrick Stewart, the actor who portrayed Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Additional discoveries throughout the Americas hinted at a primordial Caucasoid population that roamed freely across much of the Western hemisphere.

Today, there is proof that ancient cultures around the world were visited by Caucasian races in ancient times, and they were depicted by contemporary historians and record-keepers as white gods. In the Vedic texts of India, the gods are actually depicted as having blond hair. There are also legends of the Nestorian Christians of China and Central Asia who may be the basis of the Eastern Christian kingdom as led by the mythical Prester John. This author connects them with the Tarim mummies. Even Kublai Kahn was said to have red hair and green eyes. Since there are those who believed the Chinese made it first to the New World in the early 15th century, they then could have brought with them the idea of a returning savior as the Mormons believe.

In Aryan Sun Myths: The Origin of Religion (1899), author Charles Morris touched upon the preponderance of the messianic ideal and its origins in Indo-European myth and lore. He also linked the original Hebrews and the Semites to the Aryans as the controversial Madame Blavatsky did. These travelers from Asia-to-America could also have brought with them their Caucasian DNA. Indeed, most historians agree that there were numerous reports of Caucasian “Indians” in the Americas filed by European explorers during the early years of White colonization. It is possible that our legends of both giants and fair-skinned deities can be linked to those times.

Spanish speaking writers from the 16th century reported that the native Inca people of western South America revered Francisco Pizarro and his conquistadors as powerful gods and referred to them as the “Viracochas,” because their god, Viracocha – similar to that of the Polynesians, Mayans and Aztecs – was light-skinned. Indeed, the ancient city of Tiahuanaco was posited with being built by a fallen race of White giants or gods. Further, this idea was espoused by author Rupert Furneaux.

In his 1940 book, The Shadow of Atlantis, Colonel Alexander Pavlovitch Braghine claimed that the Carib peoples recounted legends of a white bearded man who they called Tamu or Zune. He had come from the East, and taught the people the rudiments of agriculture. This figure then disappeared to the rising Sun to the West toward Western Europe. Braghine also forwarded the notion that Manco Copac was also a white, bearded man. The Atlantis author, Gerd von Hassler, associated the lost White race with the Biblical flood, and gave that as the reason for their eventual demise. In March 2010, the archaeological community was stunned by the discovery of yet another Caucasian skeleton, this time in Mongolia. DNA extracted from this individual’s bones confirmed a direct genetic link to the West. In essence, these remains were clearly European, if not Western Eurasian. This time, however, the ancient corpse was not as old, only dating to the first century A.D. The period of prehistoric Western arrival, or habitation in China and East Asia, is continually being pushed backward in time to an even earlier date.

The origins of some Caucasian mummies trace back to some 6,000 years ago; some are even older. But, the Mongolian individual was apparently held in high regard by his peers, as a major player in the Xiongnu empire, a multi-ethnic melting pot of former Eurasian nomads who challenged the supremacy of the Han Dynasty. This ancient conglomeration of foreign tongues and non-Mongoloid races no doubt consisted of many Indo-European peoples.

During 2007, Peruvian investigators found literally dozens of Caucasian mummies in a vaulted tomb buried 82 feet beneath the forest floor of the Amazon jungle. These belonged to a pre-Inca race known as the Chacha poyas, or “Cloud People.” Their discovery complimented 16th century Spanish reports of “strange, white Indians” with beards in the same region.

Even the giant statues of Easter Island (2,180 miles off the Chilean coast) bear witness to the arrival and passage of an ancient Caucasoid race. Previously, in 1915, British archaeologist Katherine Routledge learned from a native islander the true nature of the ethnically different looking “Long Ears,” or “men who came from far away in ships. They saw they had pink cheeks, and they said they were gods.” The last real ariki, or chief, was said to be quite white, Routledge reports:

‘White like me’? I innocently asked. ‘You!’ they said. ‘You are red, the color in European cheeks.’ Red is the term generally applied by Easter Islanders to Europeans. And urukekuis often translated ‘red-haired’.” Indeed, the towering statues obviously displayed something other than Polynesian physiognomy, “and if the fine, oval faces, the large eyes, the short upper lip and the thin, often Apollo’s bow lips are any guide to race, they indicate a Caucasoid race.” Obviously, anthropologists are baffled by the apparent presence of Caucasoid peoples in the prehistoric Pacific.

Genetic testing conducted during the 1990s showed traces of Basque DNA in the people of Rapa Nui and Greater Polynesia. These ages-old, oral traditions are not only being underscored by the latest strides being made in genetic research, but combine to show that the prehistory of America is far richer in its human background than previously suspected. The argument for an ancient Caucasian presence in remote parts of the world which should have no such influence or affiliation in very ancient times is compelling. Even West African tribes have legends of ghost-like creatures sharing dominion over their lands and giving them the power to think, to hunt and to organize their societies.

There is widespread evidence of an Aryan presence in ancient Egypt. As author Mary Sutherland has pointed out, the mummy of the wife of King Tutankhamun had auburn hair. In addition, an ancient mummy with red hair, red mustache and beard was found buried within the pyramids at Saqqara. Moreover, the crocodile-caverns of Aboutfaida possessed a number of red-haired mummies. The book, History of the Egyptian Mummies mentions a primordial corpse with reddish-brown hair.

The mummy of Thutmose II has light chestnut-colored hair. And, evidence of a Gaulish and Saxon presence has also been revealed by Professor Vacher de Lapouge. According to de Lapouge, a blond mummy was found at Al Amrah, the displayed skull measurements indicative of the White race. Blond mummies have been found at Silsileh as well. During Pre-Dynastic and Old Kingdom times, Egypt was primarily a Caucasian society. The DNA of tested mummies reveals that even today’s own chiefly Semitic and Negroid populations ironically bear traces of that lost European bloodline.

In The Children of Ra, author Arthur Kemp noted a DNA study conducted by G. Lucotte (published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology in April 2003) proved Egypt’s mixed racial heritage. But, continued research has proven that, during past epochs, Egypt had three primary waves of Europoid inhabitants. During pre-Dynastic times came members of a pre-Aryan or old European population from Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. Nordic invaders during the Old Kingdom also arrived. And continued waves of Indo-European tribes throughout the Middle and Early New Kingdoms also made it to Egypt. Interestingly, King Tut’s racial profile is decidedly Western European in origin, and the further you trace back through Egyptian origins, the more homogeneous and advanced the Caucasian population.

The Northern Indians contain a significant proportion of R1a DNA, the Aryan racial genetic signature. The Aryan invaders established the caste system, or Varna, which in Sanskrit means “color.” The Bahadgavita and the Vedas describe the gods of the Hindus as having fair skin and blue eyes. Ancient Hindu texts describe both the different and impending racial conflict of the ancients in their scriptures. In them, the leader of the the Aryans was Indra, and is described as “slaying the Dasyus,” the Negroids of India. “Thou, Indra, art the destroyer of all the cities, the slayer of the Dasyus, the properer of man, the lord of the sky.”

The Rig Veda continues to describe the Dasyu and uses the term “black” in the course of the reference: “Indra, the slayer of Vrittra, the destroyer of cities, has scattered the Dasyu sprang from a black womb.” The Rig Veda describes in detail the light-skinned nature of the Aryan worshipers who have “frays that win the light of heaven.”

In Afghanistan, we have many cases of blond hair and blue and green eyes among the population. During the post-September 11 battles, it is known that when mixed races hit the battlefield, the Afghan fighters were relentless, but, once Aryans hit the battlefield, those same Afghans were nowhere to be found. Some of the population of this region has remained untouched for 8,000 years and is the strongest receptacle of R1a DNA.

When Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1840) first used the term “Caucasian” in 1795 to describe the white population of Europe, he could scarcely imagine the epic story about to unfold. A German physician, natural historian, Blumenbach’s teachings in comparative anatomy were applied to the classification of human races. He adopted the term, “Caucasian,” from native inhabitants of the Caucasus Mountains in southeastern Europe, a race he believed to be the most beautiful and vigorous on Earth. His arguments are no longer fashionable, but there was much more to the story of ancient Caucasians than Blumenbach or anyone else of his time could have imagined.

Our ancestors, those of us who are of white European descent, have been watching the stars and charting the movement of the heavens for tens of thousands of years. Both linguists and cultural anthropologists have proven our ancient link to the Vedic culture of India and the neigbhoring Old Persian civilization. The Sanskrit texts of ancient India are based on a timeline that pre-dates any modern conception of proto-history. It places the origin of Aryan civilization millions of years hence. The Sanskrit writings of India deal with the culture, beliefs and history of the Indo-Aryan peoples. Many scholars believe that the Aryans invaded India and established the foundations of Hindu culture. I believe that the Vedic texts are quite clear on the subject. The ancient Aryans are a culture the dates back to the darkest age of antiquity. In Europe, however, genetic tests as well as the findings of physical anthropology prove the anatomically modern Europeans, with the same phenotype and similar cultural traits, those which do show similarities to the ancient Indians and Iranians, can be traced back between 45,000 – 30,000 B.C.E.

In a December 2005 article, the editors of National Vanguard Magazine reported:

The earliest biological evidence of Europeans was revealed recently in May 2005, when bones found in the Czech Republic were confirmed as representing the earliest settlement of modern humans in Europe. The bones, found at Mladec, were dated by subjecting ancient teeth to Carbon 14 dating, and were found to be approximately 31,000 years old. This finding ties in with dates from other sites in Europe that have yielded artifacts characteristic of the Aurignacian culture, dating from between 30,000 and 40,000 years ago. A jaw bone recovered from a site in Romania is actually older than the Mladec find, but the Czech Republic bones represented half a dozen humans, the first real group presence on European soil” (National Vanguard, December 2005.)

On Sept. 19, 1991, in the Otztal Alps near the Austrian-Italian border, an incredible archeological find was discovered by a German couple hiking in the mountains on vacation. This miraculous discovery was a Stone Age, European “wet mummy,” naturally preserved in an ancient sheet of ice. This corpse is of great significance in the study of Caucasian origins and was described in The Iceman, a book by the German scientist Konrad Spindler. The “Iceman” (or “Otzi”) as he has been called ever since, lived and hunted in the region centuries before the first block on the Egyptian pyramids was placed. The Iceman also carried with him a flint blade, a cape made from grass, and other sophisticated implements. He also bore 61 tattoos.

In the 1998 NOVA episode which appeared on the Public Broadcasting channel (PBS), “Ice Mummies: The Iceman Returns,” the main issues regarding the ancient corpse were brought to the forefront.

The first question scientists had to tackle was the Iceman’s age. Could he really be [5,300] years old? To find out, small samples of bone were removed for radiocarbon dating. Like all living things, bone contains a form of carbon called carbon-14. When an organism dies, that carbon begins to decay at a precise rate like a clock ticking away into eternity.”

Along with the cadaver itself, a variety of tools and implements were also uncovered, including shreds of tattered clothing, a copper axe, half-finished arrowheads, and various containers made from birch. The other objects were “rawhide strings, two dried mushrooms on leather straps . . . finely stitched clothing made from animal skins . . . an unfinished bow taller than the Iceman himself, and remnants of a boot stuffed with grass still tied to one foot.” (NOVA, 1998: “The Iceman Returns”)

The elegantly fashioned copper axe was perhaps his most notable possession. It dated prior to the Copper Age, and scientists believe it was primarily used for a ceremonial or symbolic purpose, perhaps to denote the Iceman’s status as a warrior, especially if he was a proto-Aryan, since Indo-Europeans are primarily a warrior race and most of their root words relate to hunting and battle, as does their religious imagery. Until the late 1970s, it was presupposed that local development in Europe was a product of diffusion—that is, a gradual assimilation of foreign concepts and technologies through contact with eastern Mediterranean and Near East cultures during long migration periods.

For instance, early Bronze Age burial sites in Wessex, England, were once thought to be products of the Mycenaean civilization. While current evidence suggests ancient Caucasians migrated to and influenced the rise of ancient American and Chinese civilizations, this theory of Caucasian development is entirely incorrect. The white Europeans and their ancestors in Asia truly had a creative spark very early on that changed the fate of the world. More up-to-date methods of determining age revolutionized our awareness of this phase of European prehistory.

Recently scientists in Balzano, Italy, conducted a DNA test on the Iceman. The test showed that his paternal bloodline is now shared by almost all modern Europeans and is related to some peoples in northwestern Europe. Studies of his mitochondrial DNA, however, which can be traced only through the maternal bloodline, prove that he was part of an Alpine race originating in the mountains some 13,000 years ago that now is totally extinct. He was actually a mix of Nordic blood and this distinct and now-forgotten pre-Aryan race. This race was previously unknown to anthropologists. However, aspects of his paternal DNA also resemble those of the people now found on Sardinia.

But did he come from Sardinia? No, scientists say. The people of Sardinia have been isolated from other European population groups for so long, their ancient DNA has remained less diluted by the later waves of whites who invaded mainland Europe many centuries ago. Hence the people of Sardinia today most closely resemble the majority of Europeans of the Iceman’s era, or so the theory goes.

The Iceman’s World was already ancient when Stonehenge and the Pyramids were built. Otzi’s long lost civilization is shrouded in the mists of time, and archaeology has effectively revealed its secrets:

In June 2005, archaeologists discovered Europe’s oldest formalized civilization, a network of dozens of temples, 2,000 years older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian Pyramids. More than 150 gigantic monuments were found underneath fields and cities in Germany, Austria, and Slovakia, built more than 7,000 years ago, between 4800 B.C. and 4600 B.C. More than 150 settlements have been identified so far, and more are expected to be uncovered in due course. Constructed of earth and wood, they had ramparts and palisades that stretched for up to half a mile. It should, therefore, be unsurprising to learn that a large part of what is traditionally accepted as European culture, and Christian European culture, is in fact part of a far older and long-established cultural heritage going back many thousands of years. Christianity has only been a dominant religion on the mainland of Europe for less than 1,600 years – and in some parts of Northern and Eastern Europe for less than 900 years – and so it is of particular interest to see that many rituals and customs are, incorrectly, so often presumed to be Christian in origin (National Vanguard 2008).

Between circa 7000 and 3500 BC, the inhabitants of this region developed a much more complex social organization than their western and northern neighbors, following settlements which often amounted to small townships, inevitably craft specialization and the creation of religious institutions. (Gimbutas 1-10)A recently discovered prehistoric temple is challenging the accepted paradigm of human civilization. Göbekli Tepe (“the hill of the naval” in Turkish) dates to around 12,000–10,000 BCE, or the time of the destruction of Atlantis. The site includes massive carved stones, including two T-shaped pillars. Surrounding these main megaliths, which tower some 5 meters high are a number of smaller stones facing inward. On the stones’ broadsides are elaborately carved motifs of foxes, lions, scorpions, and vultures (Curry 2008).

Coppens mentions the discovery of “the biblical town of Jericho and its stone walls,” which were dated to 8000 BCE. Like Göbekli Tepe, the discovery of Jericho pushed back the emergence of the first cities to a much earlier date. Jericho’s discovery marked the first blow against the accepted world paradigm.

Both Andrew Collins and Laird Scranton have done extremely significant work on the subject of ancient Caucasians in myth and reality. They both link the 12,000 – 25,000 year old structure in Turkey, Gobekli Tepe, to the origin of ancient civilization. This author would also theorize that Gobekli Tepe antedated the birth of Atlantis, which he explains is an ancient Indo-European civilization that was flooded then sunk beneath the Black Sea when flooded 7,600 years ago. Other cultures, including the Semites and the Indo-Iranians, originated here, explaining the similarities between Biblical and Hebrew writings and that of Aryan texts.

Scranton, however, misses the connection between ancient Caucasians, a race that were the inhabitants in the region at the time, and spends too much time enthusing over the Dogon tribe. Giorgio Tsoukolaus and others from the Ancient Aliens crowd believe that the Dogon gods, or sky-people, were extraterrestrials. Seeing ancient Caucasians whom I believe had at one time more significantly advanced technology, such as Vimanas, and many other weapon and flight technology currently unknown to us.

This author was educated as a strict evolutionist, and I believe there has been ample time on this planet for our people to evolve. I have read Hamlet’s Mill and also studied the collapse of the Roman Empire and how Europeans descended into a dark, primitive age where people couldn’t even identify the crumbled ruins of the Empire as being built by human hands. I think quite possibly that Ancient Caucasians are the lost global civilization that Graham Hancock and others have been searching for, and the basis in the belief in giants and sky-gods. I think after the race of intellectual giants was destroyed, as I described in my book Lost Race of the Giants, that we had what Graham Hancock had called racial amnesia, but the ancient aliens crowd is going the wrong way in their deductions. I have no doubt that our species has encountered extraterrestrials in the distant past, and maybe they even seeded life here at one time, but I reject the notion that they are the sole creators of ancient civiliziation or have their hands on our history and future destiny. Those are the conveyance of mortals, and I believe the ancient Caucasians were taller, much taller than the average human at that time, smarter and more physically adept, and had great technological and engineering genius. As racist as this might sound, I think history demands this deduction.

The Black Sea phenomenon, as this author calls it, is not the only probable origin for the Proto-Indo-Europeans or for the location of their homeland. The fact that India has remained one of the oldest, most continuously inhabited Aryan civilization, and at one time the most advanced. In the Sanskrit writing of India, an epic prehistory is presented for the Aryan race. The racial strength India once possessed has passed. Moreover, their civlization, at least the civilization of the Ancient Aryans has long past. But like China, another civilization that once was Aryan, still maintains itself as a place of integrity and success as an independent nation.

In his Forbidden Archaeology and Human Devolution, the brilliant scholar Michael Cremo made the argument for a greater antiquity for the human race. I submit the notion that these Vedic texts were talking specifically about the origin of the Indo-Europeans who may have originated in the ancient mountains north of India, and might even be the origin of the Old European idea of the gods residing in the mountains like Mount of Olympus, or the very usage of the name sky-people. The Ancient Aryans and their god Indra might have descended like eagles from their seclusion of their Himalayan and Kush mountain nests like vultures indeed. The ancient Aryans, or great white gods, may have also been linked to the stars throughout through astrological religion. For that reason alone, the ancestors of today’s Indians, Iranians, Afghans, Kurds and Europeans, and their descendants may have seen like sky people. Among Western, Southern and Central Asian peoples there are many very Nordic looking remnants of this long time past population. This is slowly on the decline everywhere, however, especially in Europe with the native population’s birth rate below the replacement level and now battle-scarred with millions of Africans and Muslim Arabic peoples swarming in; as Barbara Spectre said there is definitely going to be a transformation. This author respects and admires his own culture and civilization, and does not welcome this transformation by any means.

Back to Gobekli Tepe, I think Scratton understimates or at least is unaware of the research done regarding the European or Indo-European peoples which include the primordial Vedic people. Racial author Arthur Kemp in March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race, made the observation that light-skin, eye, and hair color may be just a genetic mutation not related to environment alone. This could place the origin of the Caucasian race in ancient India, in the cold regions of the Himalayan mountains or somewhere further south. Indeed, the long held idea of placing the Aryans in Central Asia or Europe may be wrong.

With regards to key ancient civilizations of the past, Scranton mentions the Dogon of Mali. This seems odd to me because despite their very advanced mythology related to astronomy, which ancient Alien theorists are very big on, the Dogon are neither significant nor unique. But he did mention that the Dogon as well as others feel that they had an advanced mentor race guiding them during their prehistory.

We have discussed [in his books] a number of cultures who creation traditions appear to be fundamentally similar to one another. These include the cultures of the modern-day Dogon tribe of Mali, the ancient Egyptians, the ancient Buddhists, the Tibetan Na-Khi tribes, and the ancient Chinese. In each of these cultures there is an abiding belief that civilizing skills relating to agriculture, weaving, pottery, metallurgy, stone masonry, the domestication of animals, and written language—among others-were intentionally given to humanity in some remote era by knowledgeable, quasi-mythical ancestor-teachers or ancestor-deities.”

This may make sense, since both Asians and many other peoples have some DNA in common with ancient white Europeans, similarities which are not there simply by our common human heritage. This suggests that some type of mixing or miscegenation has taken place in the distant past between white European and non-European peoples. This would also suggest ancient Caucasians that had a wide-spread presence in ancient times and the power and technology to maintain that presence through advanced transportation means.

In the January/February edition of The Barnes Review history magazine, the mythological and archeological evidence of white influence upon the rise of global civilization was analyzed in an article entitled “Ancient Caucasians: The Legacy of the Fallen Race.” This article took a look at the huge number of global civilizations that credit “white gods” with bringing their peoples the basics of civilization, including religion, astronomy, medicine, farming, advanced building techniques and more. Among the people often believed to have evolved independently from the Western World were the Chinese. In the early 1990s, however, the solidity of the theory of isolated Asian origins was forever challenged.

Already, in 1974, the vast tomb of China’s first emperor had been unearthed, featuring an entire army of terracotta soldiers individually cast and ornamented as if poised to follow the emperor into the afterlife. While the terracotta soldiers merely affirmed Chinese assumptions about their own origins, another discovery dating back to the first years of the 20th century, and eventually rediscovered nearly 100 years later, would prove damaging to the Chinese world view. In 1988, in a back room of an old museum, Professor Victor H. Mair of Pennsylvania University stumbled upon one of the greatest Chinese archeological discoveries of all time: Caucasian mummies.

Scattered across the desert sands of the Tarim Basin in present-day Xinjiang were mummies so different from the standard East Asian population that they indicated a history spurred on by visitors from the West. Indeed, an ancient legend regarding the birth of the world said that a giant being, Pan’Ku, who was described as having long blond hair which covered most of his body, created the world and its people from his own body and hair. This legend mirrors ancient European myths such as that of both Germanic and Keltic tribes.

The fact that it was ancient Aryans who brought the Chinese the wheel, the domesticated horse, even iron weapons, has been preserved in their mythology as a racial memory of past events. According to Chinese myth, some of their most ancient pyramids, including those near Mongolia and the Tarim Basin where the Caucasian mummies were found, were built by the Sun gods. These Chinese Sun gods were depicted as being tall, blond and blue-eyed, with a light, ruddy complexion. In Hindu myth the Aryans are described as the shining ones given their birthright from the power of the Sun.

Also, in Tibetan myth, Agni, the god of fire and creation, used the symbol of the Sun, a swastika, as the tool of creation, known as the fire-whisk. The swastika is the eternal symbol of the Aryans, of the Sun and creation and is also the symbol of the Chinese Sun gods. Kublai Khan was said to have red hair, green eyes and freckles, his father having taken a white woman as one of his mates. The Communist Chinese have long denied the existence of their pyramids due to the legends that claim they were built by white men, not their Chinese ancestors.

There is a huge submerged pyramid in the China Sea known as the Yonaguni monument. This stepped pyramid, made famous by the popular author Graham Hancock and the maverick geologist Robert Schoch, is structured like those of Assyria, which was originally an Aryan nation in all probability.

The Chinese mummies present a unique problem to those who assume that East Asians are more inventive that whites or that China was always a Mongoloid country. It was not. Over the past 2,500 years a major biological transformation occurred in the Chinese population. Prior to this great change, an even more dramatic alteration occurred. So, the Chinese of today would contrast drastically with those of 9,000 years ago. As the Mongoloids increased in numbers, their migrations displaced the native white Chinese population, pushing them across the continent into Russia and Europe. Chinese authorities and the liberal and Marxist establishment in Europe and the United States continue to deny these facts.

Andrew Collins has come up with a brilliant idea of identifying the Watchers of the Bible and Book of Enoch, with tall Nordic-like shamans who helped usher in the Neolithic age and may have been those who created Gobekli Tepe. In Gobekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods, Collins writes:

In Enochian literature they are described only as tall in stature, with long, white hair, pale skin, ruddy complexions, and mesmeric eyes that quite literally shine like the sun.”

Collins cites a fragmentary text known as the Testament of Amram which says the Watchers were “long-headed, with a narrow visage, calling it viper like.” Here we see identical descriptions from two distinct cultures, the cultures of the Near East and that of Ancient China. The Watchers were also said to have been holders of sacred knowledge and revealed them to both Enoch and the daughters of men whom they have intimate contact with and produced offspring, the Nephilim, who were later slaughtered by the Watchers as punishment for disobeying the laws of God and Nature.

By the beginning of the fifth millennium BC, many of these small tribes entered a period of rapid expansion and erected stupendous monuments of stone called megaliths. They were built with a technology still unknown to modern science. In the Danubian and Baltic regions, early Neolithic development was accelerated to an unimaginable rate. In the so-called Starcevo (near Belgrade in present-day Serbia) and Danubian cultures, great levels of innovation were reached. The Sesklo culture (in Thessaly, ancient Greece), located in the Southern Balkans, was the first people in Europe to build actual cities, constructed in a kind of “proto-urban” design. This was accomplished some seven thousand years ago, even before the nations of Mesopotamia rose from the choking dust of the Earth. Fortified villages that strongly resembled some of the municipal centers of the early city-states, also in Thessaly, characterized the Dimini culture. (Encarta 98)

Excavations in the Balkans have shown that 6,000 years ago, the copper-axe, the same exact tool found beside the Iceman, had been in use for decades during the Vinca culture (circa 4500–3000 BC). During this new age, trade, especially in amber from the Baltic, was becoming a vital part of these growing societies. In central Europe (Bohemia, in what is now the Czech Republic), copper and tin deposits were utilized as the Bronze Age arose during the third millennium BC. As nobility, and eventually royalty, became a fact of human society, immense tombs were being built to house the bodies and the souls of the fallen leaders. (Encarta 98)

Our understanding of European origins has increased exponentially over the past few decades. It seems that light-skin and blond hair became predominate among Europeans as early as the Bronze Age between 1,000 – 3,000 BCE. Prior to this period, it is now evident that blue-eyes, a mutation unique among Europeans was widespread as far back as 8,000 – 7,500 years ago among the native European, or Pre-Aryan, hunter-gatherers who had swarthy skin akin to that seen in Central India or the Middle East. Past experts agreed that Europeans descended from two distinct ancestral bloodlines. The blue-eyed, swarthy skinned hunter-gatherers and the early European farmers who arrived around 7500 years in what is present-day Germany. These early farmers were not Indo-European speaking populations and they were most notably related to Basques of the Iberian peninsula. A new study, however, indicates a third bloodline! Researchers of Harvard Medical School and the University of Tubingen in Germany have now documented a genetic contribution from a third ancestor: Ancient North Eurasians. This group appears to have contributed to present-day Caucasians as well. This same bloodline is the common ancestor to both Northern Europeans and Native Americans. In fact, most Native Americans share more in common with the most ancient peoples of Europe than those of Siberia or Africa. “The same Ancient North Eurasian group contributed to both of them.” It is even true that those Europeans who descended from Near Eastern newcomers around 6,000 years ago share connections to an even older bloodline called the Basal Eurasians.

The study of how the first Europeans evolved into today’s white population was initiated by Johannnes Krause, professor of archaeo- and paleogenetics at the University of Tubingen and the co director of the new Max Planck Institute for History and Sciences in Jena, Germany. To do so he collected DNA from thousands of individuals worldwide and nine ancient humans from Sweden, Luxembourg and Germany. These included eight hunter-gatherers from 8,000 years before the arrival of farming and one from 7,000 years ago. They also included DNA from the famous Iceman, called Otzi.

Ancient North Eurasian DNA was not present in the hunter-gatherers of 8,000 years ago nor the early farmers of 7,000 years ago. This suggests this new bloodline was more recently introduced. “Nearly all Europeans have ancestry from all three ancestral groups,” said Losi Lazaridis, a research fellow in genetics in Reich’s lab and first author of the paper.

Differences between them are due to relatives proportions of ancestry. Northern Europeans have more hunter-gatherer ancestry – up to about 50 percent in Lithuanians – and Southern Europeans have more farmer ancestry.”

“The Ancient North Asian ancestry,” Lazaridis added, “is proportionally the smallest component everywhere in Europe, never more than 20 percent, but we find it in nearly every European group we’ve studied and also in populations from the Caucuses and the Near East. A profound transformation must have taken place in West Eurasia” after farming arrived.”

At first North Eurasian DNA was a distinct but unknown marker. No known DNA matches could be made. It was entirely unique to researchers. Then in January 2015 a North Eurasian remain was found in Siberia. This enabled researchers to determine the closest relatives, including Northern Europeans and North American Native Americans. The group known as the Basal Eurasians branched off from all remnants of African DNA before even the Australian aboriginies did, making this ancestor of Europeans one of the oldest on Earth.

In the course of this article we have examined the discovery of the Iceman, as well as suggestions that both white Europeans and the civilizations of Iran and India go back to a far more distant age than previously thought. We have also suggested that the population of Europe, at least the Indo-Europeans, had their start outside Europe or Central Asia, and may even have originated in the mountain strattling India in the north or even further south. But what of the Iceman? With the information gleaned from this research, we know what happened. Five thousand years ago, a lone mountaineer hiked through the rugged Alpine wilderness. His true destination and identity are forever lost to the sands of time. As far as we know, he made it to a nearby glen. Exhausted, he stopped and rested next to a large rock. What happened next would change the world forever: he obviously was overtaken by the elements and perished.

Five hundred centuries later, he would rise from his icy grave to stun and beguile the world of men. In 1998, the Austrian government turned the body of the Iceman over to Italy, his true place of origin. He was taken to the Italian town of Bolzano, in the location of his original settlement thousands of years before. Flanked by a military escort, he was taken to a ten-million-dollar museum built in his honor. He had come full circle. It may have taken Otzi the Iceman several millennia, but his spirit could rightly shine down upon his lifeless body and smile saying, “Welcome Home.”

Otzi, an unwilling time-traveler, raises many questions. Dan Rather, the American newsman, called him “the most celebrated cadaver since King Tut.” (NOVA, 1998: “The Iceman Returns”) This find and all other discoveries like it are essential in the study of Northern European origins, and indeed the entire Caucasian subspecies. What is awesome about this particular archeological unearthing is that it rivals in comparison to some of the great finds of Egypt, the Middle East and the Americas, but it was in the heart of Europe where the Nordic race first appeared.

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