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Julian Assange is MK ULTRA CIA spy controlled by Putin and Trump

It’s funny how julian assange was a hero to the left when he was leaking secrets of the bush wars but now that he’s releasing the truth about hillary’s corruption he’s a spy controlled by putin and trump

Julian Assange is a cia//nsa operative they have used since day one under their MKultra and Project Mockingbird to control the masses with “controlled opposition” just like Alex Jones, David Ice, Mark Dice, Jessie Ventura, Joe Rogan and the rest of the co-intel pro crews. Wikileaks is a cis operation using nsa operatives like Edward Snowden and military assets like Bradley Manning to push bullcrap stories to the public and create an “underground truth movement” in which the government controls. The Propose of these people is to gather contact lists, email lists, phone lists and locations of “threats” whom might rebel against the governments and group them all together so when the time comes it is easy to round them up. Most of these fake truth movements are ran by ex military personnel, cia agents or police officers that all are apart of secret societies themselves working to promote the agendas of the elite and cause division amongst the true truth movements. All of these people are just puppets putting on an act to fool fools into accepting these movements and merging them all together. Just like they stole the “rainbow warriors” from the native americans and used that for the LBGT movement. Now when people think of the rainbow warriors instead of thinking about ancestors of the native americans like sitting bull, crazy horse, red cloud, Geronimo, joseph or others they think about a group of gay men wearing nothing waving a rainbow flag.

NEW BREAKING NEWS Julian ASSANGE & MK Ultra Project Monarch & WIKILEAKS Founder Beginnings

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