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Mother Mary(Catholic Church) The mother and wife of Nimrod/Baal(Satan)

Come out of her my people... Revelation 18:4

Nimrod was the great grandson of Noah. He was the most popular man at his time, and a king of the ancient world, responsible of the buildings of the tower of BABEL and the city of Ninive, among others. Based on the pictures which we have of that period and of his figure, it is higly probable that he was a NEPHILIM giant ( meaning, of the same lineage of the fallen angels, who lost their dignity by marrying the most beautiful daughters of men), and having a " superior strenght" than the normal mortal men. He was the ruler of the then known world, he had a big army, and so on. Nimrod married a woman who's name was SEMIRAMIS : king and queen of that ancient period. At some point, Nimrod died, and he became DEIFIED on the planet earth, that made him the "SUN-GOD". Nimrod was the very FIRST person on earth who became deified which ended at been BAAL. Baal in the Scripture can be traced back to Nimrod! Baal and Ashtaroth, they ended back their history to Nimrod and Semiramis. And so "now" we see Baal ruling the entire universe as "sun Baal", and the legend tells that the sung god impregnated Semiramis, and she gave birth to a baby called TAMMUZ. Tammuz, growed up, became adult, and had a sexual relationship with his mother ( !!!( and you can see here the CONFIRMATION that this myth is higly pagan and unbiblical mostly hated by the true God, who we serve, Yahweh). Semiramis and Tammuz gave then birth also to Cupid ( that one to whom is dedicated the feast of Valentine's day...). So now, Tammuz took the place of his father, and for 40 years he had a tremendous power, but finally killed at age of 40,by a wild bear. Also Semiramis died, and the legend tells that she ASCENDED to heaven ( is this remembering to you some other myth? yes.....the myth of Vergin's Mary ascension to heaven!! Which in Italy , center of catholicism alias the former roman empire, is observed religiously the august 15, called " FERRAGOSTO" here ). Finally, Semiramis came back to the earth in the form of a giant egg ( egg of fertility cult). Now let me back the story. Semiramis, who was both Nimrod's wife and Tammuz’ mother, was worshiped as the "mother of god" and a "fertility goddess" because she had to be extremely fertile to give birth to all the pagan incarnate gods that represented Nimrod. Where Nimrod is the "sun god", Semiramis is the "moon goddess'. She was worshiped throughout the world by each of the titles associated with Nimrod's worship, in addition to many titles unique to herself (see table below). For instance, the respective Greek and Roman names applied to the worship of Semiramis include: Aphrodite and Venus, the goddess of love; Artemis and Diana, the goddess of hunting and childbirth; Athena and Minerva, the goddess of crafts, war and wisdom; Demeter and Ceres, the goddess of growing things; Gaea and Terra, symbol of the fertile earth; Hera and Juno, the protector of marriage and women, who was the sister and wife of Zeus in Greek mythology, and the wife of Jupiter in Roman mythology; Hestia and Vesta, the goddess of the hearth; plus Rhea or Ops, who was wife and sister of the Greek horned-god Kronos.

Mother Worship

The pagan mother initially derived her deification from the divine nature attributed to her child. She was raised far above the level of all creatures, and worshiped as a partaker of the trinitarian godhead. The mother eventually became the preferred object of worship. The son was exhibited merely as a child in his mother's arms without any particular attraction, whereas the mother's image was displayed in magnificent artistic array and invested with the exquisite beauty attributed to Semiramis during her life.

To justify worship of the mother, she was elevated to a divine station just like her god-incarnate son.

The deified queen mother was adored as the incarnation of the holy spirit of peace and love. The highest titles were accordingly bestowed on her. In Egypt, the mother was styled Athor, the "habitation of god" to signify that all the "fullness of the godhead" dwelt in her womb. She was named Hestia in Greece and Vesta, which is just a Roman variation of the same name, meaning the "dwelling-place of deity."

Under her title, "mother of the gods," the goddess queen of Babylon became an object of universal worship. The mother of the gods was worshiped by the Persians, the Syrians, and with the most profound religious veneration by all the kings of Europe and Asia. When Caesar invaded Britain, he discovered the Druid priests worshiping the "mother of god" as Virgo-Patitura.

In Egypt, as the "queen of heaven" she was the greatest and most worshiped of all the divinities. During Egyptian bondage, the Israelites repeatedly departed from the one true invisible Elohim and worshiped the pagan mother. When the Israelites fell into apostasy under King Solomon, they worshiped this mother goddess as Ashtaroth (Asherah), a name by which the pagan Babylonian goddess was known to the Israelites:

And the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of YHWH, and served the Baals [various lord gods depicting Nimrod] and the Ashtaroth [Semiramis], the gods of Syria, the gods of Sidon, the gods of Moab, the gods of the Ammonites, and the gods of the Philistines; and they forsook YHWH, and did not serve him. - Judges

Later, during the time of the prophet Jeremiah, the Jews worshiped the queen of heaven so devoutly that they could not be convinced to give up this paganism even after Jerusalem had been burnt and the land desolated due to this very pagan worship:

Then all the men who knew that their wives had offered incense to other gods, and all the women who stood by, a great assembly, all the people who dwelt in Pathros in the land of Egypt, answered Jeremiah: "As for the word which you have spoken to us in the name of YHWH, we will not listen to you. But we will do everything that we have vowed, burn incense to the queen of heaven [Semiramis] and pour out libations to her, as we did, both we and our fathers, our kings and our princes, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem; for then we had plenty of food, and prospered, and saw no evil. But since we left off burning incense to the queen of heaven and pouring out libations to her, we have lacked everything and have been consumed by the sword and by famine." And the women said, "When we burned incense to the queen of heaven and poured out libations to her, was it without our husbands' approval that we made cakes for her bearing her image and poured out libations to her? – Jeremiah

Common names applied to the pagan goddess Semiramis




Goddess of Love



Goddess of Hunting & Childbirth



Goddess of Crafts, War & Wisdom



Goddess of Growing Things



Symbol of the Fertile Earth



Protector of Marriage & Women



Goddess of the Hearth



Wife and Sister of Kronos



Worship of mother and child spread from Babylon to the ends of the earth, but were called different names in the languages of the various counties where their worship appeared. The ancient Germans worshipped the virgin HERTHA with the child in the arms of his mother. The Scandinavians called her DISA pictured with her child. In Egypt, the mother and her child were worshiped as ISIS with the infant OSIRIS or HORUS seated on his mother's lap. In India, the mother and child were called DEVAKIand KRISHNA, and also ISI and ISWARA as they are worshiped to this day. In Asia, they were known as CYBELE and DEOIUS; in pagan Rome, as FORTUNA and JUPITER-PUER, or the boy JUPITER; in Greece, as CERES, the great mother with babe at her breast, or as IRENE, the goddess of peace, with the boy PLUTUSin her arms. Even in Tibet, China, and Japan, Jesuit missionaries were astonished to find the Roman counterpart of MADONNA and child. SHING MOO, the holy mother in China was portrayed with a child in her arms and a glory around her.

Semiramis was worshiped in Ephesus as the pagan fertility goddess DIANA who represented the generative powers of nature. She was referred to as a fertility goddess because she mothered all the numerous pagan gods representing the god-incarnate Tammuz. Diana was pictured with numerous teats so that she could nurse all the pagan gods, and she wore a tower-shaped crown symbolizing the Babylonian tower of Babel.

Legend has it that after Semiramis died, she ascended into heaven and was returned to earth inside a large egg which fell into the Euphrates river. The egg was pushed ashore by a dove and she emerged from the egg as Astarte or Ishtar (in English, Easter). To show her gratitude to the dove, she turned it into an egg-laying rabbit, all signs of fertility. Another sign or symbol found throughout Babylonia is the obelisk, a phallic symbol. These can also be seen in Egypt, Rome and Washington DC. The obelisk in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican was dragged up to Rome from Egypt. The Washington Monument is a sign that Babylon is alive and well in the USA!

In the seventh century C.E., when Rome sought to harness the power of the great population of Ishmaelites in the desert and use them to purge Jews and Messianic believers from the holy land, they groomed a handsome young lad named Mohammed to lead them. They were the creators of the religion of Islam with the moon goddess, Ashteroth (Semiramis) as their god - Allah.


Come out of her my people... Revelation 18

Mother and Son Worship

Semiramis was initially included in the pagan Babylonian trinity as the holy spirit or seed of the divine son in his mother's womb. With time, however, the father Nimrod was practically overlooked and worshiped only as the god-incarnate son in his mother's arms. In other words, the father became invisible and was no longer worshiped, whereas, the mother with the god-incarnate son in her arms became the grand object of worship. Numerous Babylonian monuments show the goddess-mother Semiramis with her son in her arms. This worship of mother and child spread throughout the known world, and given different names in the various languages of the world. Ancient Germans worshipped the virgin Hertha with child in arms. Scandinavians called her Disa pictured with child. The Egyptian mother and child were worshiped as Isis with the infant Osiris or Horus seated on his mother's lap. In India, the mother and child were called Devaki and Krishna, and also Isi and Iswara as they are worshiped to this day. In Asia, they were known as Cybele and Deoius; in pagan Rome, as Fortuna and Jupiter-puer, or Jupiter, the boy; in Greece, as Ceres, the great mother with babe at her breast, or as Irene, the goddess of peace, with the boy Plutus in her arms.

The image of mother with child in her arms was so firmly entrenched in the pagan mind that after the time Christianity appeared on the scene in the fourth century, these statues and paintings were merely renamed and worshiped as the virgin Mary with her god-incarnate son Jesus. Thus, the pagan mother and child entered Christianity as the Roman Catholic worship of Mary with the infant Jesus. In fact, in Tibet, China, and Japan, Jesuit missionaries were astonished to find the counterpart of the madonna and child as devoutly worshiped as they were in Rome. Shing Moo, the holy mother in China was portrayed with a child in her arms and a glory around her, exactly as if she had been fashioned by Roman Catholic artisans

Thousands of years ago, as sun worship (Baal worship) increased, so did the worship of his wife, the "Queen of Heaven", Easter(alias Ishtar). We are told through this Babylonian legend that every year on "Easter Sunday" at sunrise, the priests of Easter would impregnate young virgins on the altar of Baal. Then, the next year, they would take the now three month old babies and sacrifice them on the altar on Easter Sunday at the sunrise service. They would then take the eggs of Easter and dye the eggs in the blood of the sacrificed infants. The facts are that virtually everything that is associated with Easter can be traced back to pagan ritualistic ceremonies that Yahweh hated. How do you think God feels looking down from Heaven and seeing us celebrate a day with the name of a pagan goddess, passing out stuffed Easter bunnies to the children that are picking up dyed Easter eggs, eating Easter ham on Easter Sunday morning while we attend Easter sunrise services on the exact same day that all of the sun-worshippers did for thousands of years!? The early Christians kept Passover for almost three hundred years until it was outlawed by Constantine in 325 A.D.

So now, let us come back to the feast of " Christmas" or "Christ-Mass".

Other Names for Tammuz

1. Osiris (Egyptian, mother (Semiramis) was known as Isis). 2. Adonis (mother was Venus) 3. Krishna (mother was Devaki) 4. Iswara (mother was Isi) 5. Deoius (mother was Cybele) 6. Platus (mother was Irene) 7. Jupiter (mother was Fortuna)

Tammuz was born during the winter solstice on December 25th. His birthday was celebrated throughout Babylonia and surrounding areas.

Tammuz died in his 40th year while boar hunting in the spring. In honor of him, the people mourned his death each spring for 40 days, one day for each year of his life. After the forty-day fast, a joyful feast of Ishtar (Easter) took place. At this feast colored eggs were exchanged and eaten as a symbol of the death and resurrection of Tammuz in the spring crops. A feast of ham, symbolizing victory over the boar that killed Tammuz, was enjoyed by all. Finally cakes marked with the letter “T” (to remind everyone of Tammuz) were baked and eaten (Hot cross buns).

That the worship of Nimrod and Semiramis is the origin of all the pagan systems on earth is well documented by Alexander Hislop in his book, The Two Babylons.

From “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hisop – Chapter 1

In leading proof of the Babylonian character of the Papal Church the first point to which I solicit the reader's attention, is the character of MYSTERY which attaches alike to the modern Roman and the ancient Babylonian systems. The gigantic system of moral corruption and idolatry described in this passage under the emblem of a woman with a "GOLDEN CUP IN HER HAND" (Rev 17:4), "making all nations DRUNK with the wine of her fornication" (Rev 17:2; 18:3), is divinely called "MYSTERY, Babylon the Great" (Rev 17:5). That Paul's "MYSTERY of iniquity," as described in 2 Thessalonians 2:7, has its counterpart in the Church of Rome, no man of candid mind, who has carefully examined the subject, can easily doubt. Such was the impression made by that account on the mind of the great Sir Matthew Hale, no mean judge of evidence, that he used to say, that if the apostolic description were inserted in the public "Hue and Cry" any constable in the realm would be warranted in seizing, wherever he found him, the bishop of Rome as the head of that "MYSTERY of iniquity."

Now, as the system here described is equally characterised by the name of "MYSTERY," it may be presumed that both passages refer to the same system. But the language applied to the New Testament Babylon, as the reader cannot fail to see, naturally leads us back to the Babylon of the ancient world. As the Apocalyptic woman has in her hand A CUP, wherewith she intoxicates the nations, so was it with the Babylon of old. Of that Babylon, while in all its glory, the Lord thus spake, in denouncing its doom by the prophet Jeremiah: "Babylon hath been a GOLDEN CUP in the Lord's hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad" (Jer 51:7).

Why this exact similarity of language in regard to the two systems? The natural inference surely is, that the one stands to the other in the relation of type and antitype. Now, as the Babylon of the Apocalypse is characterised by the name of "MYSTERY," so the grand distinguishing feature of the ancient Babylonian system was the Chaldean "MYSTERIES," that formed so essential a part of that system. And to these mysteries, the very language of the Hebrew prophet, symbolical though of course it is, distinctly alludes, when he speaks of Babylon as a "golden CUP." To drink of "mysterious beverages," says Salverte, was indispensable on the part of all who sought initiation in these Mysteries. These "mysterious beverages" were composed of "wine, honey, water, and flour." From the ingredients avowedly used, and from the nature of others not avowed, but certainly used, there can be no doubt that they were of an intoxicating nature; and till the aspirants had come under their power, till their understandings had been dimmed, and their passions excited by the medicated draught, they were not duly prepared for what they were either to hear or to see. If it be inquired what was the object and design of these ancient "Mysteries," it will be found that there was a wonderful analogy between them and that "Mystery of iniquity" which is embodied in the Church of Rome.

Their primary object was to introduce privately, by little and little, under the seal of secrecy and the sanction of an oath, what it would not have been safe all at once and openly to propound. The time at which they were instituted proved that this must have been the case. The Chaldean Mysteries can be traced up to the days of Semiramis, who lived only a few centuries after the flood, and who is known to have impressed upon them the image of her own depraved and polluted mind.

That beautiful but abandoned queen of Babylon was not only herself a paragon of unbridled lust and licentiousness, but in the Mysteries which she had a chief hand in forming, she was worshipped as Rhea, the great "MOTHER" of the gods, with such atrocious rites as identified her with Venus, the MOTHER of all impurity, and raised the very city where she had reigned to a bad eminence among the nations, as the grand seat at once of idolatry and consecrated prostitution.

Thus was this Chaldean queen a fit and remarkable prototype of the "Woman" in the Apocalypse, with the golden cup in her hand, and the name on her forehead, "Mystery, Babylon the Great, the MOTHER of harlots and abominations of the earth." The Apocalyptic emblem of the Harlot woman with the cup in her hand was even embodied in the symbols of idolatry, derived from ancient Babylon, as they were exhibited in Greece; for thus was the Greek Venus originally represented, and it is singular that in our own day, and so far as appears for the first time, the Roman Church has actually taken this very symbol as her own chosen emblem. In 1825, on occasion of the jubilee, Pope Leo XII struck a medal, bearing on the one side his own image, and on the other, that of the Church of Rome symbolised as a "Woman," holding in her left hand a cross, and in her right a CUP, with the legend around her, "Sedet super universum," "The whole world is her seat." Now the period when Semiramis lived, --a period when the patriarchal faith was still fresh in the minds of men, when Shem was still alive to rouse the minds of the faithful to rally around the banner for the truth and cause of God, made it hazardous all at once and publicly to set up such a system as was inaugurated by the Babylonian queen.

Come out of her my people... Revelation 18:4....

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Restoring the Bride of Messiah

Babylon During The Church Age

Babylon has been alive and well throughout the Church Age. It is seen in practically ALL religions in one form or another.

Titles of Semiramis Applied to the Roman Catholic Worship of Mary

1. Habitation of God

In Egypt, the mother was called Athor, the "Habitation of God" to signify that the "fullness of the godhead" dwelt in her womb.

2. Dwelling-place of Deity

In Greece she bore the name Hestia, and among the Romans, Vesta, which is a modification of the same name meaning the "Dwelling-place of Deity."

3. Mother of God, Mother of Gods

Under the name, "Mother of the Gods," the goddess queen of Babylon became an object of universal worship. The mother of the gods was worshiped by the Persians, the Syrians and by all the kings of Europe and Asia. In Britain, the Druid priests worshiped the Virgo-Patitura as the "Mother of God." The second part of the Roman Catholic “Hail Mary” starts, “Holy Mary, Mother of God…”

4. Queen of Heaven

In Egypt, as the "Queen of Heaven" she was the greatest and most worshiped of all the divinities. During and after Egyptian bondage, the Israelites repeatedly departed from the one true God and worshiped this pagan mother.

5. Madonna, My Lady, Mea Domina

Nimrod was known as Baal or Lord, and Semiramis was the female equivalent Baalti, meaning "My Lady" in English, "Mea Domina" in Latin, and corrupted as "Madonna" in Italian. The title “Our Lady” is an adaptation or extension of this.

6. Lady of the Sea

Among the Phoenicians, the mother goddess was known as the "Lady of the Sea," which is a title applied to Mary although there is no connection between the sea and Messiah's Mother Mary.

7. Mediator, Mylitta, Mediatrix

Roman Catholics teach that Mary is a "Mediator." Prayers to her are an intricate part of Roman Catholic worship. There is no biblical basis for this idea, yet this concept was not foreign to the ideas linked with the mother goddess of pagan Babylon. She bore as one of her titles "Mylitta," that is, the "Mediatrix" meaning "Mediator."

Babylon Of Revelation

Jeremiah 51:7 Babylon was a gold cup in YHWH’S hand; she made the whole earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; therefore they have now gone mad.

Revelation 17:3-6 Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. This title was written on her forehead:


I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Yahushua. When I saw her, I was greatly astonished. Then the angel said to me: “Why are you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast she rides, which has the seven heads and ten horns. The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come. “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for a little while. The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction. “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.” Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages. The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For Elohim has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to give the beast their power to rule, until Elohim’s words are fulfilled. The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.”

Revelation 18:1-24 After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor. With a mighty voice he shouted:

“Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird. For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.” Then I heard another voice from heaven say:

“Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and Elohim has remembered her crimes. Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done. Mix her a double portion from her own cup. Give her as much torture and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit as queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn.’ Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is YHWH Elohim who judges her. “When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her. Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry:

“‘Woe! Woe, O great city, O Babylon, city of power! In one hour your doom has come!’ The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes any more—cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble; cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of wine and olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and bodies and souls of men. They will say, ‘The fruit you longed for is gone from you. All your riches and splendor have vanished, never to be recovered.’ The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her will stand far off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn and cry out:”

“‘Woe! Woe, O great city, dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet, and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls! In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!’ Every sea captain, and all who travel by ship, the sailors, and all who earn their living from the sea, will stand far off. When they see the smoke of her burning, they will exclaim, ‘Was there ever a city like this great city?’ They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning cry out:”

“‘Woe! Woe, O great city, where all who had ships on the sea became rich through her wealth! In one hour she has been brought to ruin! Rejoice over her, O heaven! Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets! Elohim has judged her for the way she treated you.’” Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said: “With such violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down, never to be found again. The music of harpists and musicians, flute players and trumpeters, will never be heard in you again. No workman of any trade will ever be found in you again. The sound of a millstone will never be heard in you again. The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world’s great men. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray. In her was found the blood of prophets and of the saints, and of all who have been killed on the earth.”

Revelation 17 is about Antichrist and a Great Harlot. Spiritual Babylon of the Future is seen as this Great Harlot. Spiritual unfaithfulness is a recurring theme in the Bible. (Exodus 34:15; Leviticus 20:1-6, Hosea 4:12, etc.) Babylon of the Future is a perversion of true worship as revealed in the Bible. It is therefore portrayed as a harlot, giving its power to Antichrist -- the Beast. The seven-headed beast depicts the seven world empires which have been, or will be dominated by the Devil. The first five of seven heads stand for the five world empires which had already come and gone: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. The "one which is" was the Roman Empire, and the "one which is to come," is a future world empire (The New World Order). There is a woman riding The Beast. She represents world religions. The beast is seen as the Antichrist of Chapter 13, energized by the Devil from Chapter 12.

Visible Remnants of the Babylon Trinity

The remnants of the Babylon religion are manifest in the theology and rituals of the Roman Church today. In the Babylon religion after the death of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz were the deity of Babylon. Most often depicted in the familiar mother/child images, their presence could be seen in the land far and wide. Known as “Our Lady” and “The Mother of God”, the image of Semiramis as a woman standing on the world with a ‘rainbow’ above her head is clearly seen in any Roman Catholic document on Mary. The Babylon religion, and the associated mother/child worship, was practiced in Rome long before the advent of Messiah. From the birth of the Christian Church, Rome tried to exterminate Christianity from the face of the earth. It was in the fourth century AD, when Constantine, Caesar of Rome, saw a cloud formation in the sky which resembled a cross and took it as a sign from God that he should embrace Christianity. He subsequently proclaimed that from that day forward, Christianity would be an official state religion of the Roman Empire. No conversions, no proclamations of faith, no born-again experience, just a change in name. Their Babylonian idols and statues were renamed to match the names of Christian “dignitaries”. The idol of Semiramis and Tammuz was renamed ‘Mary and Jesus’. Many of their other statues were renamed to St. Joseph, St. Paul, St. Peter, etc. In order to make this new religion palatable to the sun-god worshiping constituency of the roman Empire, he had to form a “fusion religion”, mixing sun-god worship with Messiah worship. See more on this later.

The pagan rituals and sacrifices continued under the guise of Christianity. Even the vestments of the pagan priests, notably that of Dagon the fish god, can be seen today. Although the Dagon vestments worn by the Roman priests during the middle ages depicted the whole fish, which included the fish head hat and connecting train (tail), only the fish head hat remains today as can be regularly seen worn by the Pope.

There are many, many “Our Lady” novenas still being practiced today: “Our Lady of Fatima”, “Our Lady of Lourdes”, etc., even an “Our Lady of the Sea”. The source of each “Our Lady” is typified in the story of “Our Lady of Fatima”. An apparition of “Our Lady” made several appearances to three Portuguese children at Fatima over a period of a few months. The story of “Our Lady of Lourdes”, as depicted in the novena to her, tells some of the things she said to the children and other villagers during one of her appearances. A comparison of her discourse with the biblical revelations of the characters of Satan (Isaiah 14:13-14) and Mary (The Magnificat: Luke 1:46-55) clearly reveal the true identity of the “Lady”. Satan can appear in any form he chooses to lead people astray.

Restoring the Bride of Messiah

The Roman Catholic Church (a fusion religion)

There are many lies taught by the Roman Church, one of which is that Peter was the first Pope. They use the passage in the Gospels where Messiah asks who they say he is.

But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living Elohim.”

Yahushua replied, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Cepha, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."

They misinterpreted this to mean that Messiah was building His church on Peter and so they must have Peter as their first Pope.

The fact of the matter is, there was no Roman Catholic Church during the first three centuries of Christianity. The RCC was established by Constantine I, the Emperor of the Roman Empire during the early 4th century A.D.

The story goes that Constantine, while squinting at the sun one day in 312 A.D., saw an image of a cross and supposedly heard a voice say to him, “In this sign, conquer.” The story goes that he took this to mean that he should embrace Christianity. He had spent many years trying to wipe out Christianity and now decides to embrace it.

He made a public decree that Christianity would now be an official religion of the Roman Empire. And so it was done. No repentance. No new-birth experience. Just a decree. There was one hitch, though. Most of the entire Roman Empire were sun god worshippers and knew nothing about the Elohim of creation or even about monotheism. In order to make this new religion palatable to his constituency, he had to make some changes. He decided to fuse Mithraism (sun god worship) with Christianity. Being anti-Semitic, Constantine also decided to remove all things “Jewish” and to substitute the familiar pagan names, holidays and practices for the Scripturally-mandated ones. He also had the Renewed Covenant translated into Latin and Greek, making changes as it was done. Names were changed, words were added to fit the new Roman theology, and the Feasts of the LORD were declared Jewish and no longer kept. Instead, he ordered that the familiar feasts of Mithraism were to be kept instead.

They continued to celebrate the birthday of Tammuz (also known as child-mass) on December 25th during the winter solstice. It was the time when the daylight was at its minimum and the sun was experiencing a new birth thus the days were beginning to lengthen. They merely changed the name to Christ-mass and thereby anointing at as “Christian”.

They continued to celebrate the fertility goddess Easter in the spring and established it as the first Sun-day after the vernal equinox. They also continued to practice the “weeping for Tammuz” for 40 days prior to Easter (now called Lent) wherein they would sacrifice some pleasure here on earth for the pleasures of Tammuz in heaven.

They also celebrated “All Saints’ Day” and “All Soul’s Day” holidays and the pagan Halloween. Of course, they celebrated the pagan New Year.

The crowing achievement of Satan, through his fusion religion, was to change the set-apart day from the Sabbath to the Sun-day in honor of the “Invincible Sun God”. To this day, they still boast that they are more powerful than the heavens since they had the power to effect this change.

Then, to add insult to injury, Constantine declared that anyone found keeping the Sabbath rather than the day of the sun would be executed. That goes for the keeping of the biblical feasts as mandated by YHWH instead of the pagan “holidays” the church continues to celebrate to this day. Thus, the modern Christian church had its formation in the Roman Catholic pagan practices.

That the Roman Catholic Church has its basis in sun god worhip can not be denied. Just compare the Tammuz symbol found on a stone pillar near an ancient Tammuz sacrifice cave near Jerusalem with the images found on the wall inside the ancient "Shrine of the Holy Sepulchre" in Jerusalem.

Constantine’s death penalty decree extended not only to the members of the Roman Catholic Church, but to all Christians. Since he was the most powerful man in the world, he declared himself to be the Vicar of Christ and thus became the first Pope of the Roman church. The Christians not aligned with the RCC were still subject to the power of the Emperor/Pope and so, caved in to his dictates. During the remaining time of the Roman Empire, the Christian population experienced severe Roman oppression and papal abuse.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, there was an extended period known as the “Dark Ages” wherein no one was allowed to read or be educated except the priests of the Roman Church. Papal authority still ruled over the church and defined much of the thinking of those days. The Roman Catholic Church was the Christian religion of the time.

The Reformation

In the 16th century, after the “Dark Age”, over 1200 years of papal rule and the paganization of the church, a Roman Catholic priest living in Germany began to get the urge to read the Scriptures for himself. He had been taught through RCC catechism that salvation of one’s soul is achieved by being a member of the Roman Catholic Church (as is still taught in most places today). Much to his surprise and delight, he learned that salvation comes by grace through faith and not of works (Eph 2:8-9). So elated was Martin Luther at this revelation that he wrote 95 treatises on grace and posted them on the doors of the parishes in his city of Wittenburg. Needless to say, this caused quite a stir among the parishioners and ire from the papacy.

One of the things that started Luther on his investigation of truth was his concern for the economy of Germany. So much gold was being transferred from Germany to Rome that Germany was in jeopardy of financial collapse. This was due to a papal contrivance known as indulgences. When a parishioner died, according to RCC dogma, his soul went to a fictitious place called Purgatory. In order to affect this soul’s release from Purgatory, the deceased’s family had to pay a huge sum of money to the priest to get him to offer up prayers to heaven for his release. This went on day after day until the priest decided that there was no more money left with this family and declared the soul released. Multiply this by millions of people throughout the world and you can get an idea of the amount of wealth that was pouring into the Vatican.

Luther’s discovery and subsequent announcement of this revelation of grace caused an exodus from the RCC and subsequently the formation of “protestant” denominations. Luther’s theology challenged the authority of the papacy by emphasizing the Bible as the sole source of religious authority and all baptized Christians as a general priesthood. According to Luther, salvation was attainable only by faith in Yahushua as Messiah, a faith unmediated by the RCC. This of course produced new papal wars against the new groups. The sad thing was that is was much like the blind leading the blind. Martin Luther was himself a Roman priest. So were the new protestant parishioners. They had no clue about the true Messianic body of believers of the first century. They new nothing of Sabbath, the Feasts of the Lord, the instructions of the Torah. They only knew what the Roman priests wanted them to know and much of that was pagan and blasphemous. Thus the new protestant Christian church inherited many lies and the blindness of the Roman Church. They were taught that the “Old Testament” was for the Jews and that Christians need not be concerned with it. Messiah did not come to create a new religion! The new protestant church did not know about the biblical appointed times, the Sabbath or the instructions in the Torah because long ago, Constantine forbade these practices under the penalty of death for disobedience to his decrees. They had no clue about grafting into the Olive Tree of Israel.

Come out of her my people... Revelation 18:4

Let us now quote the bible about these pagan cults named "Christmas " and " Ester", ONCE FOR ALL!






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