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California wildfires were caused by “powerful lasers”

California has been battling with major fires which were started with lighting from dry thunderstorms.

As of August 28, 2020, the state of California has reported that: “Since the lightning siege that started on Saturday, August 15, 2020, there have been nearly 14,000 lightning strikes.” The officials added that in this time, there have been over 700 new wildfires covering 1.38 million acres.

The worst of the blazes, including the second and third largest wildfires in recorded California history, were burning in and around the San Francisco Bay Area, where more than 200,000 people have been told to flee their homes

California fire conspiracy theories have been around since 2018. They include the ideas the fires are caused by huge lasers, and that aliens or the United States government are igniting them.

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