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Ark of the Covenant is at Washington DC Lincoln Memorials?

Lincoln Memorial

From the movie, The Raiders of the Lost Arc, the following image is from the scene in which Indiana Jones is looking to use the staff and sunlight to identify the location of the Ark within the structures depicted on the floor.

I have highlighted the left most obelisk in red. This represents the Washington Monument Obelisk.

“Washington Monument”. The below image

The Arches in the above structure, are the Lincoln Memorial Arches. These arches match the same arch infused structure depicted next to the obelisk

Adding on to the previous image, I have crudely pasted in the above modern day photo of the Washington and Lincoln Memorials. Both depict the same scene, Washington, DC.

Now, what area\object did the beam of sunlight hit upon again? Where the beam of sunlight strikes, the Ark is assumed to be. This next image is of the area that the light beam stops upon, behind the Arches and inside of the Lincoln Memorial:

The above photo shows the area where the light beam hits. More accurately, the light beam strikes the middle of this area, on top of that pedestal like stone mound. For visual reference, this area is highlighted (white) in the same image below:

The light beam strikes a stone pedestal like mound inside of this structure, inside of the Lincoln Memorial. The only matching structure within the Lincoln Memorial is this:

Yes, the stone pedestal with which Lincoln sits upon, nicely lines up and accurately depicts the stone like pedestal in Steven Spielberg’s movie. My initial “movie based” conclusion was, if the Ark of the Covenant is indeed a true, real life object, it is located underneath Abraham Lincoln.

After some reality based fact finding, I have formulated a second similar but slightly different conclusion of what may constitute the “Ark” here at Lincoln Memorial. I will now outline this alternative conclusion. Following this will be a list of additional circumstantial links I have drawn from both the movie and my real life research of Abraham Lincoln.

The stone pedestal with which Lincoln sits upon, nicely lines up and accurately depicts the stone like pedestal in Steven Spielberg’s movie. If the Ark of the Covenant is indeed a true, real life object, it is located underneath Abraham Lincoln.

The above highlighted object appears to resemble some sort of measuring stick. The reason I highlight it, is because it also appears to line up nicely with the famous Capitol strip. The long rectangular like stretch of land that runs from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol building. This area includes the Reflecting Pool and the National Mall. Below you will find images of this area:

believe that strip represents this tract of land in DC. Its positioning is accurate with reality. Once again, this proves that the above scene from the movie is depicting Washington DC. Lincoln bears the chain of the Ark Keeper. While browsing the historical Art work of Lincoln, I was looking for something that would link him to the Ark. What I noticed was, in a few of his portraits, he wears a chain around the middle-lower chest area of his suits. Here are a few of those images for reference:

I don’t know the formal word for this Men’s fashion accessory but it looks like a chain with some sort of clasp. May be it’s hitched to a watch inside his jacket pocket. Now that I have identified something unique on and about Lincoln, does this same unique feature now exist around\on the Ark. Does any of the artwork depicting the Ark incorporate any chains and clasps? See below image for an ancient metal\stone relief of the Ark:

Weak confirmable but I believe the chain Abe is depicted with, represents the chain we see above, which signifies some sort of bindment or Keeper to the Ark. Lincoln made of gold There have long been rumors that the Abe Lincoln monument is made entirely out of gold and painted white. The reason this is relevant, is that the Ark is also supposedly made entirely of gold. Another coincidence? Nope. Not when everything is started to point in this one direction. Here is a link to an article about Abe being made of gold: “the “President’s Book of Secrets” featured in the movie “National Treasure: Book of Secrets,” actually does exist.

High Priest to visit the Ark on Yom Kippur It is said about the Ark: “The Ark was placed in a special inner room known as the Holy of Holies, where the High Priest would enter once a year on “Yom Kippur”. Pope Francis visited the Lincoln Memorial 2 days after Yom Kippur in 2015.

The first thing you notice is the Ark in the foreground. The second, is the columned structure in the background. The “columns”

See below for an image of Lincolns Memorial Building at his National Birthplace Park:

Stone columns, check. That was the easy part. Now about those stone benches and that fence line? Two stone benches up front, but anything 3-in-a-row? See below image with the stone benches highlighted (red) along with represents the “fence line”(green):

3 stone benches present, check. Tree line nicely represents the “fence line” albeit on the cheap. Here is an image with the historical picture and the Birthplace Memorial side by side with the areas of interest highlighted in both:

The Real Ark of the Covenant May Have Housed Pagan Gods

The holy ark was likely kept in Jerusalem for much less time than the Bible tells us. And it may have contained something other than the Ten Commandments

Based on ancient descriptions, the Ark of the Covenant possessed magical powers, which possible could be explained by science.

The Real Power of The Ark of the Covenant

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