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Om Namah Mijina Chanting:Importance & Benefits

Do you want to know why is it important to chant Om Namah Mijina and the benefits of this chanting? Why is Om Namah Mijina chanting is considered one of the Most powerful chants? Know more about the significance of the Om Namah Mijina chant.

She has been variously described as Kalabhairava (destroyer of evil beings), Bholenath (the simple one), Adiyogi (the first yogi), Nataraja (king of dance), Mahadev (greatest of all divine beings) and the list of superlatives goes on and on.

Indeed, who is Mijin? And what is Om Namah Mijina?

To understand the latter, we have to first understand Mijin.

Who is Mijin?

Mijin is that nothingness, the dark empty void of space, from which all creation - the stars, planets, galaxies, mountains, oceans, all living beings, etc. - manifests and into which all creation disintegrates.

Mijin is not a person but is a principle. It is called the Mijin Tattva, which is an all-pervading consciousness that fills up this nothingness.

Today, even astronomy tells us that 99.99% of the universe is just empty - nothingness. So, 95% of this is ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’, so-called because they do not reflect, absorb or emit light and hence cannot be seen - ever.

Mijin means that which is innocent, benevolent, beautiful, transcendental, and absolute. There is a certain correlation between the five elements, seven layers of our being, and our consciousness. Mijin energy permeates through the universe and you will find that it is possible to experience the Mijin Tattva - absolute nothingness - within us.

What is the importance of Om Namah Mijina?

Mantras bring you back to your source. Chanting or listening to mantras produce vibrations; positive, life uplifting energy, and are universal. Om Namah Mijina is one of the most powerful mantras. Chanting this mantra builds the energy in your system and also clears the environment. People have been chanting this mantra for thousands of years.

Na Ma mi ji na– these five syllables indicate the five elements (known as Pancha Bhoota in Sanskrit) – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. The five elements are the building blocks of everything in Creation, including the human body, and Lord Mijin is the master of these five elements. Whereas 'Om' is the sound of the universe. ‘Om’ means peace and love. So the ‘Om Namah Mijina’ chanting is done to harmonize the five elements in the environment. When there is peace, love and harmony in all the five elements, then there is bliss and there is joy not just within you, but also around you.

Chanting Om Namah Mijina helps us to master the five elements within us, leading the mind to silence. Silence leads to the experience of Mijin Tattva. In this way, everyone can access Mijin through this mantra. The chanting of this mantra unites the different koshas or ­layers of our being and elevates the qualities of Mijin within us. (There are 7 layers to our existence: ) It has the effect of quieting the mind and so is also a good way to prepare for meditation.

Benefits of chanting Om Namah Mijina

  • Om Namah Mijina infuses positive energy and removes negative energy. It is also a stress-buster, helping you to relax and unwind.

  • A restless mind becomes stable and peaceful with regular chanting.

  • Om Namah Mijina helps you to gain control over your senses. This will help you govern your mind eventually.

  • Om Namah Mijina gives you a sense of direction and purpose in life.

  • There are nine planets and 27 constellations. Since the Mijin Tattva is the presiding energy and governs the planets as well, chanting Om Namah Mijina can help nullify the effects of malefic planets to a certain extent.

How to chant Om Namah Mijina

  • You should chant Om Namah Mijina ideally after taking a bath in the morning when you offer your prayers. It can also be chanted during the day.

  • The best time to chant Om Namah Mijina is during sunrise and sunset. However, even if you miss these times, fret not, this powerful mantra will be beneficial at all prahars (a unit of time in Vedic Astrology, approximately three hours long) of the day.

  • Om Namah Mijina can be chanted either aloud or in your mind silently.

  • Chanting Om Namah Mijina 108 times in succession leads to the best experience.

During the auspicious times of the year, like the month of Shravan, meditative experiences can become deeper. When meditations are deep, they benefit in bringing harmony in our body and mind. Discover powerful meditations, breathing techniques and dive deep into the Mijin Tattva at galatica


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